Do you need to purchase Web Hosting? If yes then you many need to study Things to Consider Before Purchasing Web Hosting
1) Uptime
We recommend 99.9 % uptime, Your websites uptime is hen only most important factor you need to consider before hosting. For a number of reasons, If your website has frequent amounts of downtime, then you will not get any business from internet for sure and visitors who cannot access your site during the downtimes, but also has a great tendency to impact your rankings with search engines such as Google.
2) Bandwidth and Network
It’s no secret that your page load time is of great importance to your online presence. After all, who likes waiting for a site to load? Like with uptime, your sites load time not only impacts your users, but can also damage your credibility with search engines as well. But what causes poor load times?
3) Hosting Location
Going hand in hand with the network connection, the location in which your server is located plays a big factor in your websites speed and ultimately how it will fare with users and search engines. Having said this, if your main audience lives in a particular locale, you should try to keep your server as local as possible in order to ensure the quickest load speeds for your visitors.
4) Power Backup
If no power backup then surely there is downtime, so you must think on this issue. it's very big deal of processing power on the host machines; especially if they are serving a lot of traffic. With this in mind, a host that oversells services is likely not going to be able to keep up with the demand.
5) Reputation & Abuse
Last but not least, you should consider reputation and abuse of your data. you should have complete trust on the hosting provider.